There were only two successful outfits that looked very wearable. The chick with the real short red hair had on a white, loose-fitting top with black feathery designs and rouched, fluffy shoulders. Another girl had on a one-shoulder, white flowy top with the cutest voluminous gold skirt. Love it. Some other girl had on a Vera

Wang dress that looked like a wedding dress that a fifteen year-old would pick out. Oh, and she had on a cropped leather jacket with cropped gloves that covered only her fingers, and a horrendous pair of jeans under her underwhelming Vera Wang dress.
Needless to say I was very unimpressed with the stylists and/or contestants' clothing choices. Having your own style is magnificent, but some of the things these people had on was just awful. On the other hand, these two ladies looked phenomenal and rocked their apparel. American Idol stylists: how were you hired?
Did you catch Idol tonight? If so, what did you think of the clothes?
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