Their concept is to channel the 70s silhouette in a modern way. However, they are still having problems finding investors because of the silhouette. On the other hand, their charisma and charm has gotten them very far. What I enjoy the most about this show is how relatable it is. Ben is young, has his creative college degree under his belt and is simply trying to achieve his aspirations, dreams, and goals.
Last night's episode ended on a very positive note for the two aspiring designers. A very powerful man in the fashion industry from Japan gave them hope for their product. They met with him to showcase their sample pair of jeans, he did not like the cut, but he did see potential in the brand. I cannot wait to see where these guys end up! Will they continue with jeans or will their ideas blossom into something completely different?
Have you caught an episode of How to Make it in America yet?! What do you think of the show? Can you relate to anything in the show?
*Image: http://www.hbocanada.com/images/series/howtomakeitinamerica/big.jpg
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