Nobody even attempted the sexy, Victoria's Secret, just got out of bed look. All the ladies hairstylists seemed to have crimped their hair, teased it, and then just threw it up into some sort of bun or ponytail. Awful, horrendous... I feel like Simon Cowell on American Idol critiquing obvious mistakes and the contestants that really believe they can sing, when in reality they are tone deaf.
So please do not follow in their footsteps. Use a blow dryer, straightener, the InStyler, or whatever else you can in order to avoid looking like any of these frizzy hair don'ts.
Whose dress did you like the most and least? Did you notice the terribly frizzy hair? What did you think of the actual show?
*Images: http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2010/03/08/article-1256195-089D6E58000005DC-605_306x728.jpg
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