Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Published Again!

Here is my most recently published article from "The Betty" (the FCS department newsletter at CSUN). Please check it out and ENJOY!

Issue 42: October 27, 2010 - "Last minute costume tips from an Alumni Fashion Writer"

Monday, October 18, 2010

FF&F Turns 1 Year Young!

Happy Birthday to Fashion Friendly & Frugal! It was exactly one year ago today that I created this frugal blog. Take a look at what has happened in this past year. Thank you for joining me on this journey and see you all next year... year two, here I come!



Sunday, October 3, 2010

Rent's Due: Pink

Happy October, my favorite month of the year! Libras rock, my blog turns 1 year young the 18th, Halloween is a mere hop, skip and a jump away, and it is breast cancer awareness month! So, the Rent is Due and I decided to focus on Fashion Friendly & Frugal ways that you can help fight for a cure.
I love me some NFL and October makes me extremely proud of the NFL and its affiliates. Every Sunday and Monday millions of people tune-in to see their favorite players and teams fight to the death for one more win. What makes this month of their relatively short season so special is the fact that the players, coaches, cheerleaders, etc. are all bringing breast cancer awareness into the homes of millions of Americans (through fashion, nonetheless).
Save The Ta Tas is another thing I love about October. I toured their amazing company a few years ago with my classmates and have never looked at breast cancer the same way. As a woman, I feel this is a very important issue which has become quite mainstream in a very marketable (and positive) way. Which in turn has only helped spread the word of how important it is to visit your doctor and perform self examinations.
So this month, do your part and contribute to the fight against breast cancer.

AND do not forget about ALZHEIMER'S:

BTW: Gooooo SF Giants!