With companies like Loreal Paris owning others such as Lancome and Maybelline New York, I wonder what other companies have joined forces and.or bought one another out. The important thing to keep in mind is that these drug store brands are either owned by or own other designer brand cosmetics. What does this mean? This means that your favorite Fashion, Friendly, & Frugal brands could be manufactured by brands like Lancome and Estee Lauder! Fabulous.
Although I would prefer to stock up on anything created by MAC, I will most definitely, contently settle for Loreal or Maybelline; especially since CVS is promoting such great deals right now! Shop the department stores, examine products you are interested in and apply your own expertise at any drug store in order to create your own perfectly budget-friendly look. My biggest piece of advice is to take your time and compare colors and prices; you may not have the luxury of a make-up artist trying products out on you, but you do have the luxury of time.
Which cosmetics leader do you follow? What is your favorite make-up routine?
*Images: http://media.onsugar.com
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