Searching for a reputable, stable career is like searching for "the one"... you know you shouldn't settle, but sometimes anything seems better than nothing.
Food for thought, and I can toootaaallly empathize with anyone who is or has ever been on the hunt for both a job and a partner at the same. damn. time.
Fashion Friendly & Frugal
Welcome! My blog is all about quality apparel on a frugal budget. I love luxury but I don't always want to afford it. Fashion, Friendly & Frugal is all about how to make it work - with a sometimes sarcastic and cynical spin! Enjoy and THANK YOU for your support!
Friday, July 29, 2016
Monday, July 25, 2016
Stir Crazy
So what does one do when they're on a journey of discovery? How does one hone in on what they're meant to do in this lifetime? How does one weed through the bullshit?
Since my 30th birthday, my life has turned into a series of questions. The questions started out simple: what do I want to do for my dirty thirty? As I tackled the surface questions, I began digging deeper and attempted to ask more substantial, meaningful questions: what am I searching for in life/love/work? The questions never end. And I'm not quite sure they're being answered (directly). I guess the most important thing is that I'm putting the difficult questions "out there" in the universe so I can manifest something, anything from them.
What I have discovered, is that the questions I've been asking have unveiled things I DO NOT want or need in my life... which, I guess is productive. The only problem I find is that I feel like that's a negative approach to attaining what it is I want out of life. I feel like I need to re-evaluate these damn questions so I can come up with more positive results (ie YES that iiis what the fuck I want to do with my life!).
So basically, I've been seriously job hunting. Like, job hunting is my job. Liiike, if I could, I would put it down as my current job on my LinkedIn profile. Exciting. But it's difficult, extremely difficult. I find myself zoning out whilst searching position after position via, LinkedIn, the Internet, the Dark Net (no jk jk, but really, I'll probably, eventually end up on the Dark Net if I stay at this whole job hunting shit too long). I lose focus and begin shooting off my resume and cover letter to company after company just because I'm in the zone. The discipline and structure are lost. I am lost. I hope you're lost too.
My savior at this juncture in my life, is my spreadsheet for this thrilling job search. Before I started going stir crazy, I created a detailed Excel spreadsheet to track my progress. It's also helped me maintain and practice my mad Excel skills (in addition to creating badass spreadsheets for an upcoming bachelorette weekend that I spend far too much time playing with). So there's my silver lining! Oh boy am I relieved, I can sleep sound tonight! But no, really, that is a very small positive aspect of this whole gosh darn job search. You must be willing to find the positive in everything you experience. For me, the positive in this whole situation is the fact that I have had a voice for myself and I have made difficult decisions that I know are on their way to leading me to great, great things.
Wednesday, February 10, 2016
It's been 5+ years since the last time I touched this site! Thought I'd add a quick update to help motivate myself to get back on track with this shit!
Once I stopped posting, I truly got lost in my work. I moved back to Los Angeles and traveled down an amazing and challenging path of growth for 5 years. However, the most important thing in my life has always been my family and the Bay Area was calling - it was time for me to return "home".
So here I stand, starting over yet again. I am embracing the change and totally open to wherever this next path will take me! So stay tuned and we'll see if I can rejuvenate this here blog.
- S
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Rent's Due: Hey Big Spender

Holiday shopping can be a major bummer, especially if you are unemployed or on a tight budget. How do you get around purchasing something for everyone on your list without going broke? How can you buy something small and inexpensive without looking like an asshole (I'm imagining Samantha from SATC calling baby Brady an "asshole", right)? But most importantly, how do you avoid shopping for yourself during this fun fashion season?
Stay clear of retailers that you, yourself enjoy. Just because you like something and would buy it for yourself, does not mean that a friend or family member would love it just the same. Unless you had a genuinely fantastic experience with a particular product and are eager to spread the word about it, do not give gifts you expect others to give to you.
Ladies love scarves! I personally think a scarf is a very Fashion Friendly & Frugal gift. Not only can you find fairly frugal scarves, but you can more than likely find a print and/or color to compliment the receiver's coloring and personality.
How about a quirky make-up bag? Target and Nordstrom's Rack have amazing make-up bags in all shapes, sizes, and price-points. Quite frankly, what girl does not need a new make-up bag?! Have you looked at yours lately?... pretty gnarly, huh?
Now for the men. They are quite difficult to shop for. Stereotypically, holiday gifts for them tend to be tools, electronics, and other big ticket items many people cannot realistically fit into their budgets. So what in the hell do you get for the boys?! Try a pair of gloves, Target always has good prices and Macy's Men's Store always has sales. Maybe a CD (not illegally downloaded and burned) or a great book they may enjoy (and by book I do not mean Playboy).
If you are on a strict budget or have a lot of people on your gift list, pick out a very nice card for each recipient - none of that 99 cent shit). Papyrus is always my go-to brand when I want something super nice. The best part about sending out cards is that you can send them to that many more people, considering they are cheaper than most gifts one would usually buy. Actually, the best part is that you can personalize each card and send a very special holiday message to each individual.
DO NOT purchase bath stuff - unless that particular somebody LOVES splish splashing in the bath. DO NOT buy a wallet, not matter how frugal it may be, unless you are willing to hide a bunch of cash in it - or a fat check.
One BIG "do" for gift-giving this year (and any year for that matter), is to donate to a local charity, research facility, and/or family in need. Your recipient may have a "WTF moment" but will soon realize that there are many more important things in life than to receive a holiday gift.
Good luck with your holiday shopping this year and I wish you all even more luck with all of your family gatherings. Enjoy the holidays and celebrate safely.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Congratulations to the World Series Champions...
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Published Again!

Here is my most recently published article from "The Betty" (the FCS department newsletter at CSUN). Please check it out and ENJOY!
Issue 42: October 27, 2010 - "Last minute costume tips from an Alumni Fashion Writer", October 18, 2010
FF&F Turns 1 Year Young!
Happy Birthday to Fashion Friendly & Frugal! It was exactly one year ago today that I created this frugal blog. Take a look at what has happened in this past year. Thank you for joining me on this journey and see you all next year... year two, here I come!
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Rent's Due: Pink

Happy October, my favorite month of the year! Libras rock, my blog turns 1 year young the 18th, Halloween is a mere hop, skip and a jump away, and it is breast cancer awareness month! So, the Rent is Due and I decided to focus on Fashion Friendly & Frugal ways that you can help fight for a cure.
I love me some NFL and October makes me extremely proud of the NFL and its affiliates. Every Sunday and Monday millions of people tune-in to see their favorite players and teams fight to the death for one more win. What makes this month of their relatively short season so special is the fact that the players, coaches, cheerleaders, etc. are all bringing breast cancer awareness into the homes of millions of Americans (through fashion, nonetheless).
Save The Ta Tas is another thing I love about October. I toured their amazing company a few years ago with my classmates and have never looked at breast cancer the same way. As a woman, I feel this is a very important issue which has become quite mainstream in a very marketable (and positive) way. Which in turn has only helped spread the word of how important it is to visit your doctor and perform self examinations.
So this month, do your part and contribute to the fight against breast cancer.
AND do not forget about ALZHEIMER'S:

Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Published Again!

Here is my most recently published article from "The Betty" (the FCS department newsletter at CSUN). Please check it out and ENJOY!
THANK YOU Erin, Kia and Melissa for using my articles (and Valerie too, of course)! And thank you to all of The Betty readers for your continuous support.
Issue 40: September 29, 2010 - "What's Your Shape?"
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Rent's Due: Frugal, Yet Oh Sooo Awkward

Rent is due and I am here to share a wonderfully awkward story about my most recent Fashion Friendly & Frugal adventures at Victoria's Secret. In the past, bra shopping has been relatively easy for me - my lovely lady lumps stopped growing around my Freshman year of high school - especially when I find a bra I absolutely love because I buy multiples of that style. Anywho, I had two coupons for VS that were going to expire come September 1, so I set out to use them yesterday ($10 off two separate bras, so frugal!).
I knew what I wanted, the Ipex in a demi cup, my usual size; easy. Not so much. I could not find the bra anywhere and the first employee that approached me said they no longer make the Ipex. WHAT?! So she picked out some bras for me and lead me to the fitting rooms. Once we were safely inside the waiting area she asked if I have been measured recently, then proceeded to wrap her scary little measuring tape around me as my answer failed to make the short journey from my brain to my mouth. "You're a 32 1/2" she said. No I'm not, I thought. I'm a 34, I have been the same size my whole adult life! "You could probably go up a cup size too", she chimed in. Dear lord, what did I get myself into?
As she rummaged through the drawers in the fitting room, I stood there awkwardly waiting to see what she would give me. I felt like I was shopping for training bras with my mom. All of the fitting room attendants were about 18 and kept giving me the stink eye like, "has she ever shopped for a bra before?", you know, the way adolescent girls always hated on the early developers (plus, I overheard way too much about their personal lives). She popped up robotically and offered me bigger sizes than I was comfortable with. Needless to say, my experience in my personal fitting room was awful.
Nothing fit, not even the bras I picked out. And the larger sizes the lady offered to me made me feel like I should have been breast feeding or something. Frugality is not worth this kind of humiliation. I tried on seven different styles (the new "Incredible" is nothing but terrible), two different sizes and made three trips to the fitting rooms. I drew the line when another employee upped the ante and brought me a 32 DD. What. The. Fuck. All I wanted was my beloved Ipex priced so well at only $38 - very frugal.
So I settled on either the Body by VS or the Angel bra. Not my favorite bras but they fit the best and were visually appealing. The best part is that they were both under $45 and with my coupons I got them both for under $35 plus a free pair of underwear (I do not believe in cheap bras if your Ta-Tas need support)! Definitely Fashion Friendly & Frugal. However, I was not 100% satisfied.
I got home and went directly to the VS website to investigate the claim that VS no longer makes the Ipex - which I had seen only a few months ago online. I found the bra I have been continuously purchasing online!... and for $38! Seriously? I was angry. Sooo, I bought a couple of the Ipex bras online to stock up since they may actually stop making these frugal wonders soon. My frugal shopping trip to VS was pooped on by unhelpful employees. I made a call to the store I visited to clarify their return policy and to state, for the record, I was mislead - nothing bad.
Now I am happily waiting on my shipment to arrive - nothing awkward about it! Plus, I found a super cute, printed, long-sleeved T-shirt dress for only $48. On top of that, I found an online coupon for $15 off $100 purchases; yay. Albeit an unsavory visit to Victoria's Secret, everything I purchased yesterday was very Fashion Friendly & Frugal.
Monday, August 23, 2010

So, my latest inspiration is all of this hulabaloo about Kim Kardashian retiring her favorite, go-to garment, the black one-shoulder dress. Now normally I would be hating on Miss Kardashian, but I do have to admit that more times than not, her and her sisters are styled superbly - Monica Rose = Genius. However, I can totally relate to falling in love with an item that works for your own personal style and taste, and continuously investing in the same thing with slight variations. What is the point in wasting money on apparel that does not work with your style and your figure.
In an apparel analysis class a few years ago, I was required to take apart my entire wardrobe, pick apart my closet, and re-organize everything. When all was said and done, we were supposed to analyze what was going on within our own personal collections of clothing. One of the questions was in reference to garments we have multiples of and things we seemingly purchased time and time again. Like Kim K. I have my go-to item and that is anything with stripes!

And why do I have an affinity for stripes, you may ask. I simply love the whole French or Nautical feeling of a simple striped item - I try avoid red stripes in fear of looking like a candy striper. Also, as I recently told my boyfriend after my purchase of a 90s inspired spandex dress with black and grey stripes, I love the fact that I can actually pull-off a horizontal stripe - especially when handfuls of stylists and fashion experts advise to avoid horizontal stripes because they widen one's figure. Fuck vertical stripes!
For a while I made an attempt to not purchase anything striped, but that is when I found myself stumbling upon the chicest looking striped garments! I gave in and just realized that they are my thing - for the time being - and that I should not fight my addiction. I do not need an intervention and neither does Miss Kardashian.
Although Kim K. wears her lonely shouldered black dress 24-7 and we have seen it a million different ways, I do not think she should retire it - she owns the shit out of that silhouette. Hence, I will never retire my stripes - I lived on a boat in another life. Many of her fashion choices are not frugal in the least bit, however, you can always find your personal staple item at a Fashion Friendly & Frugal retailer. When you find something that works for you, give in and own it!
Give and Get is Here!
Give and Get is Here!: "Enjoy 30% off from August 26-29 at Gap, Banana Republic and Old Navy and we'll donate 5% of what you spend to a non-profit."
Being Fashion Friendly & Frugal never felt so good.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
I Can't Believe It's Not Leather
Last Christmas I got the most fabulous faux leather jacket from Arden B which was very Fashion, Friendly & Frugal (30% off - I believe it was originally $68). I was hesitant to wear it and worried I would look too much like a badass biker chick, however my jacket could not be more perfect.
I have received many compliments on my jacket but the biggest compliment was when I saw a nearly exact copy of my jacket at Target a few weeks ago - the style finally made its way to the masses at a very frugal price. This is my whole inspiration behind this post!
Once again, Arden B has a few faux leather jackets beginning to creep onto their website and into their stores. Although it is not the same exact jacket I fell in love with nearly a year ago, it is beyond reminiscent of my very frugal gift. This year Arden B chose to lighten up their outerwear for early Fall. This jacket is a must have for Fall! Below are a handful of ideas for your end of the summer/pre-fall looks created around Arden B's faux leather jacket

Jacket ~ Arden B
Shirt ~ J.Crew
Earrings ~ Urban Outfitters
Sunglasses ~ Nordstrom
Denim Shorts ~ J.Crew
Clogs ~
Straw Bag ~ Old Navy

Jacket ~ Arden B
Watch ~ Urban Outfitters
Necklace ~ Urban Outfitters
Sunglasses ~ Nordsrtom
Striped Tank ~ Arden B
Denim Leggings ~ Gap
Clogs ~ Nordstrom
Handbag ~ Nordstrom
Earrings ~ Urban Outfitters

Jacket ~ Arden B
Tank Top ~ J.Crew
Sunglasses ~ Nordstrom
Necklace ~ Urban Outfitters
Ring ~ Urban Outfitters
Skirt ~ Urban Outfitters
Shoes ~ Nordstrom
Handbag ~ Steve Madden

Jacket ~ Arden B
Silk Tank ~ Gap
Sunglasses ~ Nordstrom
Skinny Jeans ~ Urban Outfitters
Necklace ~ Urban Outfitters
Shoes ~ Nordstrom
Handbag ~ Nordstrom
Earrings ~ Urban Outfitters
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Enough Said
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Clogs, Anyone?

Frugality is dependent on each individual's income and personal idea of what frugal may be in relation to their disposable income. My idea of Fashion, Friendly and Frugal comes in the form of a wonderful clog. Yes, clogs are making a comeback - but not those ill-fitting Candies clogs with super fun print ads (1990s-ish, anyone?!). While at The Rack the other day I was enthralled with the never-ending new shipment from Nordstrom stores. This was actually a very successful and dangerous visit to one of my favorite places for accessories.
I began with the clothes, T.B.D. of course! I worked my way through each "department", tried on some tops made for even smaller people than me - and by small I mean short. Left the fitting rooms disappointed and paved the way for the racks, upon racks of shoes.
When you cannot afford something, it makes you want it that much more. Driven by my love of Designer anything -because I cannot afford it - I streamlined for the small area with a very limited selection of Designer shoes. Not only were most of these shoes still ridiculously over priced, but all of the cute shoes were made for those even smaller than me people.
So I reluctantly turned down the size 8 aisle and to my surprise, there was the most beautiful pair of totally in-style, in-season clogs... by Via Spiga! I must have been hallucinating or something. The best part was that they were most definitely Fashion, Friendly and Frugal! No, no... the even better part, is that not only were they the only pair of size 8 Via Spiga clogs, but they are still in high-end department stores selling for nearly $200 and I got mine for $89! Seriously?! I will be happy as long as I do not find out why my shoes ended up at The Rack.
These clogs may be considered frugal at their original price point to some, but for me, I enjoy the fact that I am able to wear such a high quality shoe at a very Fashion, Friendly and Frugal price in relation to my personal views on what passes as frugal.
Clogs, a must for Fall!
Monday, August 2, 2010
Rent's Due: Motivation In Moderation

Yes, it has been over two months since my last post but busy cannot even begin to describe just how frazzled I have been. Although I have neglected my blog, I have not been able to stay away from my passion for shopping... BUT in major moderation. My "field research" for Fashion Friendly & Frugal took a turn for the not-so-frugal with the purchase of my beloved MICHAEL by Michael Kors wedges a few months back. Seriously people, not frugal. However, I do not regret investing in such a classic, funky summer sandal- especially since one can wear open-toe shoes year-round in sunny SoCal.
During my record-breaking hiatus I stumbled across jeggings - which I absolutely support 100%! Nars blush - Orgasm, I'm fancy huh?! I had another beyond pleasing experience with with some very affordable YSL knock-offs. Bought a few more pairs of ridiculously wonderful sunglasses, and last but not least, I was introduced to a whole new side of J.Crew - Gap's CEO bailed for the Crew!
I have been in search of the perfect straw fedora, almost stripper heels (but still classy), lightweight shawl cardigans, and Fashion Friendly & Frugal stuff for the office - which has beena major fail. Most importantly, I have been intrigued by Christina Aguilera's signature red lips and have sought out the hottest lip product under $13.00 (Loreal infallible lip color in Beyonce Red)! Red lipstick, who would have seen that one coming?!
The low-light of my hiatus had to have been the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale. Can you say, "Major Disappointment!" I recently revisited the site of a pre-sale rally in Pleasanton I attended while still with Nordstrom... I have no words. It was sloppy, smelly, and super sad. The departments were filled with lack-luster sale items which were marked up today. Anniversary Sales used to be the shit.
Long story short, I have managed to accumulate some amazing frugal finds in the past couple months, I simply have not had the passion or time to post. Have no fear, Fall is creeping up on us quickly and I cannot wait to share my frugal opinion! Boots, here I come.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Hiatus, Again, I Know...

So, I have once again been on a bit of a hiatus, or as I was told, "MIA". I have been super busy and neglecting my fashion responsibilities! BUT I do have a few things I must cram into this post, because I have been slacking off with my very patient blog.
First and foremost, workout gear from Old Navy is a Fashion, Friendly & Frugal must-have! Why spend $60 on a pair of spandex pants when you can slip into a pair of $10 Old Navy leggings?! I have shopped around, time and again for cute workout gear - that is not 100% black and boring. To my dismay, everything is always super expensive and oh-so-drab (whatever you do, do not shop at Kohl's. Their workout department is extremely overpriced).
Here is where Old Navy comes in. They have a great line of inexpensive active wear, which includes some very comfortable bras - which keep your ta tas in place. I recently got two pairs of leggings for $10 each! On top of that - pun intended - I found a very appropriate hoodie for $15! Furthermore, I saved 20% on my purchase because of some promotion they have going on through June for Old Navy card holders.
Round two. I was missing the mall, my second favorite mall - Topanga Canyon, you are my Mecca - so I dropped by last Friday. I was out of work two hours early and started my weekend by stopping by a few of my favorite frugal stores. Express was my first stop. Tons of stuff on sale. Skinny white jeans, on sale. Period, end of sentence. Cute navy blue cocoon sweater, on sale. And most importantly, I bought a red dress. Now for whatever reason, I have always avoided red dresses. I bought a cute, frilly one last summer and it has apparently turned into a summer tradition. The best part about my new red dress is that it looks like a Herve Ledger bandage dress - I gave into the knock-off look. The minute I put it on, I knew I simply had to have it. It was tight, flattering, and beyond sexy - in a very understated way. I fell in love. I felt like Kim Kardashian, squeezing all of that junk into a form-fitting dress to show off all of the right curves - but in a skinny, white girl way. The cashier must have thought I was crazy. I bought red, white, and blue and the 4th of July is clearly more than a month away. I am patriotic, but I am not that patriotic.
After I left Express, I felt the burn in my wallet so I streamlined for Nordstrom, which was near my exit and my car. Major fail. Cute stuff, wrong cuts and bad silhouettes. However, I was informed about the Half Yearly sale which started this morning at 8am! After working at Nordstroms for three years, I cannot help but get excited for their fabulous sales. My shoppping trip was a blessing in disguise because I got the much needed heads-up about the sale.
This is where my real excitement comes in. Hiatus or not, I still have been staying current with what is going on in the fashion world - New York Magazine Online, you are my BFF. So I joined in the festivities this morning on and bought... a pair of... jeggings! Yes, jeggings. Never thought those words would come out of my mouth, but I do like my jeans skinny. So I am waiting for my Easy Money jeggings to arrive, along with my Jessica Simpson, simple sandals - yes, again, I never thought I would give in. My total was very Fashion, Friendly & Frugal at just under $100! Sales are fun and so is frugal shopping.
So, there is my frugal update. Happy Memorial Day weekend, everyone be safe and wishing a very Happy Birthday to my girl Mel! Hiatus #3, here I come!
Friday, May 14, 2010
I Heart Zappos!

I am a huge fan of frugal fashion and quality customer service, but the two do not always go hand-in-hand. Usually, when I am browsing a store like Forever 21, I am left to my own devices and the sales associates focus on folding and re-folding tables full of discount garments. However, I recently ventured out of my comfort zone and started a relationship with - why I did not do this sooner is unbeknownst to me!
I was in the mood for a pair of summer sandals and I simply began my search at Zappos to see what my options were. I had no idea the kind of heaven I had re-discovered. I used to window shop at, but I never fully committed to purchasing anything because I was always too caught up in my affinity for Steve Madden. However, there has been a shift in the shoe universe and Steve Madden is no longer my number one.I recently had a very sobering experience with Steve Madden online which left a very sour taste in my mouth. Now, some of their shoes may not be all that Fashion, Friendly & Frugal, but they always used to fit me perfectly and were always just the right height. A little over a year ago I noticed the quality of their shoes was slowly dropping along with their customer service. Ordering and/or returning shoes online with them is horrendous! I attempted to get shoes for my commencement ceremony last year, but the pair I tried on in the store was falling apart and all scuffed up and the pair I ordered online just did not fit. Needless to say, I was very disappointed but optimistic this was a one time thing.
Within the last six months, I have been visiting Steve Madden stores with zero luck. Every pair of shoes I have gushed over and tried on, have simply not fit correctly - and usually look pretty beat up. I used to be a size 8 across the boards, but recently I have tried on everything from a 7 up through a 9 with them. I know I am high maintenance when it comes to shoes, but when you are spending upwards of $100 on a pair of brand new shoes, you deserve to have a brand new pair.
A few months ago they released a pair of platform pumps which resembled YSL's ridiculously sky high confections worn by, none other than my favorite starlet, Christina Aguilera. I wanted them, I had to have them, but they were only available for pre-order. Eventually I ordered them in a beautiful blush hue, but they never came. Their pre-order date had passed and so had my shipment date. I contacted customer service and was continuously given the run-around. By the time my shoes arrived, I was agitated and beyond eager to finally get the chance to wear them. They did not fit. They were disgusting. They had water marks - they were suede - a ripped sticker on the bottom of one shoe, and looked as if they had been handled a whole lot. I was absolutely disappointed and frustrated.
I sadly returned the shoes, upset with Steve Madden and their lack of quality and absence of care. Their customer service people did give me a future discount, but it is hard to return to a company that has been consistently out-to-lunch. I wish I could use my discount at!
This is where Zappos comes in. After all the crap I went through with Steve Madden, I decided to branch out and give my business to another shoe company. Not only did I find out how amazing is, but I purchased the most beautiful pair of Michael Kors wedges - see below. They offer free shipping and returns, they upgraded my second order to overnight shipping, and answered all of my questions and concerns quickly about my return. It is one thing to have a good product and it is a whole other thing to have good customer service, when you combine the two - successfully - the outcome is unstoppable.
Yes, I am gushing about my love for because I am one satisfied customer. So, the next time you are thinking about investing in a new pair of Fashion, Friendly & Frugal shoes, check out, I promise you, you will not be disappointed!
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
What's in MY Shopping Bag?: Memorial Day Getaway
We are already halfway through May and Memorial Day is approaching... FAST! Memorial Day barbecues seem to be quite the popular form of celebration, which leads me to ask, what are your plans for the holiday weekend? More importantly, what are you planning on wearing. Whether you are going to a beach, someone's backyard bash or even just a fun restaurant, I have picked out some very Fashion, Friendly & Frugal outfits to go with any kind of get together - after the fact I realized a theme involving the color blue, ha!

Urban Outfitters ~ Pins and Needles Fedora $28
Arden B ~ Stud Front Tunic $59
Urban Outfitters ~ Layered Graphic Bead Necklace $28
Urban Outfitters~ BDG Cigarette Jean $54
Nordstrom ~ B.P. "Gloria" Sandal $49.95
Nordstrom ~ Roxy "Personal Joy" Satchel $40
Nordstrom ~ MARC Butterfly Frame Sunglasses $85

Urban Outfitters ~ Vintage Two-Tone Cat-Eye $14
Urban Outfitters ~ Multifaceted Stone Earrings $24
Arden B ~ Voluminous Embellished Neck Top $59
Nordstrom ~ Trouve "Trina" Sandals $99.95
Gap ~ Chambray Cutoffs $49.50
Old Navy ~ Fashion Cuff $9
Old Navy ~ Metal Bangles $9.50

Urban Outfitters ~ Ecote Print Dress $68
Old Navy Pointelle -Trim Cardigan $26.50
Gap ~ Classic Boyfriend Belt $34.50
Old Navy ~ Metallic Detail Necklace $9
Old Navy ~ Gold Earrings $7.50
Macy"s ~ Giani Bernini Straw Satchel $75
Nordstrom ~ Nine West "Lautman" Sandal $89.95

Victoria's Secret ~ Bright Stripe Bandeau Bikini $40 ~ Juicy Couture Georgia Too Sandals $65
Nordstrom ~ AX Armani Exchange Sunglasses $6
Monday, May 3, 2010
The Kentucky Derby

My brother forwarded me the link to an article about the history of derby fashion. I am not a huge fan of hats but some of the things these ladies pick out are phenomenal - I doubt I could ever find any appropriate hat that is Fashion, Friendly & Frugal. Did you watch the derby this past weekend? And how do you feel about the typical derby fashion statement? What is your dream Kentucky Derby hat?!
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Rent's Due: Absolutely Obsessed

I am very picky when it comes to fit, with any piece of apparel or accessory. No matter what the price point may be, it must fit just right in order for me to spend my money on it.
So, the Nine West sandals I wrote about a couple posts ago were finally shipped to me and I simply was not happy with them. I tried them on with what I would wear with them and I was less than impressed. Needless to say, I returned them.
While I was searching for the perfect pair of wedge sandals, I stumbled across the most gorgeous pair of Michael by Michael Kors wedges at It was a complete accident but I fell in love, until I saw the price. Leather straps wrapped around a cork wedge with faux wood stacked five inches high. Fabulous. Although they were $165, I was won over by the fact that Zappos does not charge for shipping, so I put them on my credit card and did not look back.
They arrived this past Friday and I just about had a heart attack when I opened up the box. They were the most spectacular pair of shoes I have ever purchased and they were exactly what I have been looking for in a sandal. However, I ordered them in a 7 1/2 because of what other customers' reviews said and they fit, BUT I am hesitant to settle for something so expensive that should be absolutely perfect.
So, I ordered a half size up and am waiting to see which fits better. I am well aware that my purchase is nowhere near Fashion, Friendly & Frugal, but I sooo deserve this beautiful pair of shoes. They will not sit in my closet and they will not collect dust, I will wear all five inches of each of them until they are worn out. I am confident their cost-per-wear will pay off in no time.
Being Fashion, Friendly & Frugal is all about making your wardrobe work with new purchases and making new purchases fit seamlessly into your current wardrobe. If you strategize correctly, you can splurge on things like this without breaking the bank, especially if the item goes with nearly everything in your wardrobe. At the end of the day, you must be happy with what you decide to spend your hard-earned money on, and I am more than happy with the fact that I purchased something I am absolutely obsessed with at a somewhat reasonable price (the quality is well worth the price). As is with many things in life, it is not necessarily the quantity but the quality that counts - yes, that was very cheesy.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Discarded and Oh So Divine

Anyways, if any of you are familiar with Discarded to Divine, then you immediately recognized my title, referencing the amazing organization. It is a San Francisco based non-profit organization which works with the St. Vincent De Paul Society in an effort to transform the discarded. Not only do they throw a spectacular charity fashion show annually, but they collect discarded clothing for "discarded" people with the hopes of creating something divine. One of the speakers last night explained it a lot better than that, but that is the gist of the organization.
Oddly enough, I have never heard of this event. I grew up near San Francisco, attended an apparel merchandising and design program near Los Angeles, and one of their educational partners is FIDM. I have no clue how I missed any of this! Needless to say, I am fortunate to have finally been informed about this charitable event and I am so lucky I was able to attend.
The night began with a silent auction made up of amazing creations by fashion students, designers, and even a few guest designers - Project Runway's Sweet P. and most recently, Jay Nicolas Sario. Two things stood out to me, a cluttered eclectic recycled necklace, a beaded silk tulip dress with curves for days. Amidst the crowded room filled with people and fashion, I spotted Jay Nicolas Sario. The room was dark and I had already used one of my drink tickets, but I still recognized the talented designer. I took full advantage of the opportunity and got a photo with the designer I had been rooting for all season long.
After the silent auction came the fashion show followed by the live auction. The Emcee was hilarious and set the mood for a great auction. The show began and I was beyond impressed. There were so many beautifully crafted garments, but only two truly grabbed my attention. First was a military-inspired vest and skirt by Jay Nicolas Sario which was strong yet feminine and fun. The second was a flawless beige dress hidden by the most magnificent white coat - which was auctioned off in a fight to the death for $1,200. Fabulous.
I left feeling motivated and re-connected to the fashion world. It is officially almost a year since I graduated with my degree in apparel design and merchandising and it sometimes feels as if the fashion world is slowly slipping through my fingers. However, last night revived my passion for fashion. Discarded to Divine is a wonderful charity which shares an incredible evening with anyone interested in being a part of something so positive.
*Images: my personal photos
Thursday, April 15, 2010
On a Mission

I have been stalking yet another item. For the past week, since I have been sick and was able to do a lot of browsing online. I have been in the mood for the perfect pair of slightly hippie, but totally hot, platform sandals and have been all over the web looking for them. This pair of Nine West wedges kept popping up on every site I visited. I will willingly admit that I am a complete brat for specific brands and stores and the minute I saw them at Nordstrom, I was sold.
I finally acquired enough energy to go out and test my luck at an actual store front. HOWEVER, I was not having very much luck at all. Nordstrom was empty, there were hardly any employees, and the sandals I wanted were just shipped and still sitting on the shipping dock! The economy needs to pick up already so things like this do not happen.

Eventually I got to try on the lovely wedges in three different colors: black, olive, and nutella. I really wanted the nutella but someone who was most definitely not a size 8 tried on the only pair of nutella size 8 sandals Nordstrom had in stock! I was beyond disappointed.
I had to order them from another store and they arrive next week. So, cross your fingers for me, I am hoping nobody else has tried them on!
Monday, April 12, 2010

Want to help fight breast cancer? Follow the link below:
Sunday, April 11, 2010
True Love

Just wanted to share these with you all. I was on tonight, then jumped over to their outlet website and stumbled across these lovely Velvet Angels platforms. They are Fashion, Friendly & Frugal because they are only $129 marked down from $480! Love them, enough said.
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